
They Changed The "ABC" Song And It's Not OK

I don’t consider myself a big “the next generation is fucked” kinda guy. Unless we’re talking about Antarctica, because buddy… the next generation is fucked. But in terms of bashing people for using technological advancements to make life easier for everyone and blaming Millennials for everything and anything, hard pass. At least that’s how I felt before I saw this video.

How’d we get all the way to “M” before this train derailed off the tracks so ferociously?? A hard N hasn’t been this cringe-inducing since Michael Richards’ last attempt at standup comedy. And what’s so special about V that it gets its own moment in the Sun in this new rendition? The more I watch it the most I’m beginning to think this is nothing more than propaganda on behalf of the lobbyists at Big V. If Youtube is queueing this up on autoplay after Baby Shark then this next generation is going to be offbeat and rhythmless as hell.