
Guy Sets Up A Video Recorder To Catch Ghosts In His House. Ends Up Catching His Girlfriend Fucking His Son. Whoops!


DM - A father who rigged up a video camera in his kitchen to capture ghosts he thought were haunting his house accidentally caught his girlfriend making love to his teenage son instead. Convinced his home had been overrun by supernatural spirits, the man, from Tasmania, Australia, set up the camcorder in his kitchen, pressed record and went to work. But when he returned to view the footage his paranoia turned to horror as he watched his partner of 11 years enter the room and begin canoodling with his 16-year-old son. The 28-year-old woman, who cannot be identified for legal reasons, pleaded guilty at Australia’s Supreme Court to five counts of sex with a minor, claiming she hadn’t realised 16 was below the age of consent. The court heard how the affair began when she went into her de facto stepson’s bedroom weeks earlier to discuss his driving lessons.


Talk about a tough case here. Think you’re setting up the web cam to begin filming on Paranormal Activity 5 and when you get it to the cutting room floor turns out it’s just your 16 year old kid who’s been making your girlfriend of 11 years scream like a Banshee on the kitchen counter. The friendly ghost was just your friendly girlfriend taking your kid’s dick. Gotta be tough on a father. And, frankly, I don’t know how a dad should handle this. On the one hand, you want to be proud of your kid. On the other, he cuckolded you worse than anyone can be cuckolded. Your son fucked your girlfriend! In your home! Where you sleep! Where you come, to play with your toys. I’ve seen father/son relationships overcome some pretty bad shit but I don’t foresee this one making it.


PS – in all seriousness this is really fucked up. It’s not like they’ve been dating for a year and the kid is 21. They’ve been dating since he was 5. Since he started forming memories. There’s a chance this is the only mom the son remembers. Pretty gross on all accounts.