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Who Wins In A Fight To The Death - Tiger vs. Lion?

Alright so I was reading up on Bangladesh earlier today because I wanted to and I came across some interesting facts about their ecosystem. So I click the next wikipedia page. And the next. And shortly thereafter I find myself staring at this beauty:

So now I'm deep on tigers. Bengals to be specific. And it's one of those wikipedia dives where I really want to soak up the progression of information. I'm in no rush. The coffee is piping hot and I woke up thirsty for Bengali knowledge so by all means wikipedia, take your time. 

Nine thousand words later I strike gold

Upon closer look, my boner stiffened

It's own landing page? 


But after another few thousand words my thirst remained unquenched. No amount of plain text hypotheticals predating electricity did it for me. I even looked up some shit on YouTube but we all know that wet bag doesn't publish the action I need

Fuck that. 

So I took to twitter to poll the people in a Fill In The Blank format. I really needed to know who wins in this matchup because there's arguments for both sides. 

Yes the tiger is longer and generally heavier but the Lion has a thicc boi mane and longer claws. More vicious in its own right. But the tiger is a solitary animal that hunts and fights alone its whole life. The Lion on the otherhand has the companionship and security afforded by the pride. So there's an argument to be made the Lion is more naturally soft. But then I remind you when the British colonized, they used a Lion as their emblem, often times beating a tiger. The British used this symbol to show their dominance over the native population. Countless protests and revolts drew strength in their real life conflict from this hypothetical fight between the lion and tiger. 

So at it's core, there's subliminal humanity in leaning tiger without any facts. Historically speaking, tiger is a MASSIVE underdog. 

But are tigers really that sacred? Regional policy at the height of British colonization dictated an obligation to kill tigers. Why? Because colonization forced deep resettlement into jungle area ripe with tigers. Older males were then presented with a new food source and MAN EATING TIGERS ARE FUCKING EVERYWHERE RUN FOR YOUR LIVES

Answer: tigers are sacred until half the village goes missing. Then they're a problem. 


Tigers vs. Lions. 

Here's what the experts had top say: 

good one silvy


easy tough guy


"well actually carl…" 

dont be that guy


you 2 losers deserve each other

already said that dude


different sex icon



dont tell the tiger crowd but we got some big lion people 

So cute I'll never have kids - that drawing SUCKS


Could have saved us the pool of blood thing Shane. I'm trying to eat a beef over here.