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Here's A Headline You Don't See Every Day - Man Hands In 'Severed Penis' At Police Station

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(Source) A man has handed in what is believed to be a severed penis at a police station on the NSW Central Coast. Authorities say the man walked into Toukley Police Station just before midday claiming to have found a human penis inside a plastic bag.  He told officers it had been discovered by his neighbours’ dog at a park 60km away.


Ambulance officers were called to inspect the contents of the bag.”It appeared to be some form of tissue matter that could be a penis,” a police spokesperson said He confirmed the ‘unidentified item’ had been taken to John Hunter Hospital for forensic examination. “First we have to establish if it is human and if it is obviously the investigation will widen from there.”





So I guess the question here is pretty simple. If you see a dick on the ground do you pick it up and turn it into the police? I’m all for doing the right thing in life but at some point every man has to stop and ask themselves if it’s worth it. Is it worth carrying a penis around in your hand just because your dog found it at the park? I mean I feel bad for the dickless guy walking around town wondering where his dick went but I’m just not willing to go there. ID? will always return. Wallet? take the cash and return the rest. Phone? Sure. Human Penis? I’m passing 100 times out of 100 times.




h/t tom