
Dude Gets Arrested For Fucking Hookers. On His Honeymoon


(TSG)Meet Mohammed Ahmed. The 21-year-old was one of scores of men arrested in a prostitution sweep conducted last week by the Polk County Sheriff’s Office in Florida. According to investigators, the alleged john answered an online ad posted by an undercover detective posing as a hooker. Seen in the adjacent mug shot, Ahmed was arrested when he arrived for his paid liaison. Ahmed, an Illinois resident, was in the Sunshine State on his honeymoon when busted for soliciting prostitution and pot possession. When Ahmed did not return to his bride at the Omni Hotel, she called police to report him missing. The woman was subsequently told by cops that her husband was not MIA, that he had been arrested. For seeking to pay for sex from a hooker while he was celebrating his nuptials.


This is a bad look for Mohammed. From what I know about marriage, getting caught trying to fuck hookers on your honeymoon is a bigtime no no. But when you really think about it, it’s kind of a worse look for his wife. I mean this is honeymoon sex we’re talking about. This is supposed to be the kind of fucking that makes a man think he didn’t just make the biggest mistake of his life. You’ve got the rest of your time on earth to be a prude who maybe fucks once a week. On your honeymoon you’re supposed to pull out all the stops. Never get out of bed. Go home walking like you just rode a horse bareback for a week. While I admit that banging hookers is against marital vows, leaving your husband so unsatisfied on your honeymoon that he goes out looking to pay for pussy is against them as well.