
Luxury Prostitutes In Cannes Earn $40,000 A Night!


DMFrom full-time escorts to models, actresses and beauty queens, the call girls servicing wealthy men in Cannes’ luxury hotels, and on million-dollar yachts can earn thousands of dollars a night. According to Lebanese businessman, Elie Nahas, who was arrested in 2007 for running a Cannes prostitution ring that supplied more than 50 women ‘of various nationalities’ to rich Middle Eastern men during the festival, the money call girls make is bigger than most people realize. Mr Nahas, 48, who unable to leave Lebanon while his eight-year prison sentence is being appealed, told The Hollywood Reporter: ‘They can make up to $40,000 a night.


For 20 minutes I’ve been staring at this figure and trying to figure out what these prostitutes could possibly be doing to earn it. 40 thousand fucking DOLLARS. Are the chicks that hot? Do they get that freaky? I can’t understand it. I mean how can you possibly not have buyer’s remorse after that? Look as awesome as it is to have great sex, it’s basically all the same for guys. Chicks say certain say guys suck at sex (definitely not me!), but a guy never really says a chick sucks. Some are hotter, some are more into it, but when it comes down to it it’s all pretty much the same.

So I’d pay a lot more for a nice car vs. a Hyundai. You can tell the difference. I’d pay a lot more for an Abe and Louie’s steak vs. a Applebee’s steak. You can taste the difference. But when it comes to a $5,000 a night hooker v a $40,000 a night hooker, what could possibly separate the two?