
Chick Tries To Say Rapper Danny Brown Was Raped By The Chick That Sucked His Dick On Stage And Rape Culture Is A Double Standard


NYDN  Danny Brown has come under fire for an incident that occurred at his April 26 tour stop in Minneapolis, in which a female fan rushed the stage and performed oral sex on the “XXX” rapper. According to reports, the experimental hip-hop artist was in the middle of a song when the unidentified woman came up and pulled his pants down. Brown, 32, is on tour with fellow rapper Kitty Pryde. On Wednesday she penned an angry letter about the incident, expressing her outrage at what she considered sexual assault. ”I’m mad that a person thought it was okay to pull another person’s pants down during their performance in front of about 700 other people,” Pryde, whose real name is Kathryn Beckwith, wrote. “I’m mad that a person thought it was a good idea to perform a sex act on another person without their consent. I’m mad that nobody made her leave. I’m mad that Danny had to actually wonder what he was supposed to do at that point.” Pryde goes on to express her anger about the double standard of sexual assault towards males, adding – as a white woman herself – that a reaction from Brown towards the girl would have had racial implications because she was white as well. ”It’s obvious that the reason nobody cares is because a girl did it to a boy,” she wrote. “Everyone wants the option of blaming it on Danny, because people can’t accept the fact that a white girl raped a black dude in front of a bunch of people.” Pryde goes on to draw comparisons to famed novel “To Kill A Mockingbird,” and address the problems with how the hip-hop community perceives sex. Pushing the girl off would have brought on “attacks on his masculinity” from other rappers, she said.

So KFC posted this story earlier today. But since I’m kind of the resident rape culture guy around here I felt like I should chime in.  Listen I love this chick’s hustle. And I actually think this chick makes a valid point about this being a double standard. I mean imagine if this was reversed? If a dude stormed the stage and pulled a chicks pants down and went to town on her clitoris? KO Barstool would be marching to Washington or Barstool HQ’s right now. BUT here is the big point this chick is missing. He did give consent. How do I know? Well look at the hand on the back of the head. That’s the universal code for keep sucking my dick. Hand on back of head means blow, Heisman on front of face means stop. So again I ain’t mad at this reverse rape culture chick for trying, but in this case she has no argument.