
Not Only Did Drew Doughty Score The Game Winner Tonight, He Told The Entire Crowd In Calgary To Suck His Dick

I mean, Drew Doughty is a god damn legend. There is no other way to put it. Not only did Doughty score the game winner tonight against the Flames in overtime, a team he has had beef with for years, he also told the crowd to suck his dick then waved good bye as they left the arena. Just a big dick move from a big dick hockey player.

Drew Doughty is exactly what you want when you are marketing the game. He is one of the league’s top defensemen, he’s looks the part with his beard and missing teeth, and he sure as shit can keep you entertained. Tonight was the perfect example of that.

Hockey is such a quiet sport. Half of the time guys don’t even celebrate when they score. When one of the league’s top players taunts the opposing crowd immediately after he scores the game winner against them, it’s great for the game, I don’t give a shit what he is yelling. I bet the fans couldn’t care less either. They chirped him and he chirped right back.

Biz is spot on. The league needs more Drew Doughtys. Guy is a rockstar.