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Elementary School Cancels Halloween

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Fox NewsOfficials at a suburban Philadelphia elementary school have decided to cancel a Halloween parade and other Halloween celebrations, citing a ban on promoting religious beliefs. WPVI-TV says parents received a letter from the principal at Inglewood Elementary School in Lansdale on Tuesday. The letter said parents were told that holidays like Halloween are seen by some as secular and viewed by others as having religious overtones. But it said school districts are barred from promoting religious beliefs, and while they can teach about religious and cultural practices, they cannot sponsor them.

You gotta be a Grade A asshole to declare Halloween a religious holiday and cancel it at school. I mean that might be the biggest cocksucker move in the history of school administrators. They can ban swing sets and recess and all the games in the world, but canceling Halloween is the lowest of low. From age 8 to like 25, Halloween is the most important holiday in the world. When you’re young its all about coming up with the scariest, coolest costume in the world, getting to run around the neighborhood like a madman with your friends, and loading up with a shit ton of candy. When you’re a teenager and going through your vandalism phase, Halloween is your chance to break the law. Don’t get me wrong you’re an asshole for doing it but that shit is like a rite of passage. A necessary step towards shedding your teenage rebellion shit. And then when you’re in college Halloween is all about fucking slutty chicks at big ass parties.

No matter how you cut it, there’s a good 20 year run where Halloween is like the most important thing in the world. You cut that off in elementary school and you’re basically cutting off a child’s growth. They’re gonna grow up to be a loser with no social skills who eats healthy, always follows the rules, and never gets laid. An entire generation of people who absolutely suck in every way all because you went Grinch mode on Halloween. Some butterfly effect shit, Inglewood Elementary. Tread lightly,