
Klay Thompson Continues To Be A National Treasure

It’s becoming nearly impossible to not love Klay Thompson. Not only is he one of the greatest shooters the league has ever seen, a player who is tough as hell and willing to play through a torn ACL, but he’s also one of the few NBA superstars that actually seems like a chill dude who is actually willing to shoot the shit with you. Take this interview for example, what other NBA star can just walk up and have an impromptu interview like this where he actually seems like a normal person and not just a robot giving cliche media day answers? It’s what makes Klay unique in that he’s willing to talk about basically anything. It could be scaffolding

it could be his dog, it could be video games

it doesn’t really matter. If you had to pick someone to hang out with from the league it pretty much has to be Klay Thompson. And while it sucks that he’s going to be out the first 55 games of the season, life is pretty good for Klay at the moment. He just signed that max extension, he’s got a badass dog as a best friend and oh yeah he gets to come home to this every night



There are plenty of reasons why Klay should be some conceited asshole but instead he’s the exact opposite. I feel like even when the internet hated the Warriors because they stacked the deck with talent nobody really hated Klay because honestly how could you. It’s always way more entertaining when these guys actually show a personality and act normal instead of just giving canned answers all the time in interviews and I feel like Klay is one of the best at that. And while I respect his attempt to pull in an Oscar for Best Supporting Actor for his role in Space Jam 2, I’m afraid that award is already locked up

But at the end of the day, the world and the internet needs more Klay Thompson now that he’s going to have all this time on his hands. I don’t really care how we get it because frankly Klay always delivers whenever you put him in front of the mic.
