
Coach Cal Says It's Stupid And A Fantasy What's Happening With Him Coaching At Kentucky And He's 100% Correct

What absolutely ridiculous numbers here. I mean this is standard Calipari. He’s going to throw out numbers about his NBA guys multiple times every year, starting with media day. It’s a tradition. It’s also recruiting.

And you know what? It works. This is exactly why Calipari got a lifetime deal from Kentucky. This is exactly why he’s been the most successful coach in college hoops since he took over Kentucky – and no this isn’t an opinion. This is a fact as shown here from this graph showing he has the most tournament wins and the most regular season wins. I’LL TAKE THAT EVERY GODDAMN DAY

Here’s the other thing. Calipari is pretty damn good about keeping these top guys on the path toward the NBA. Well, he’s the best at it. If you’re a top recruit there’s an unbelievable chance that you’re getting that second contract worth millions and millions of dollars. You hear Cal say that and guess who hears it? Top recruits.

There’s no one better at Kentucky than Calipari. It’s more than a regular job. You need someone with the personality to handle #BBN. He does that. So let’s ride Coach Cal. From your lifetime to mine, this lifetime contract he signed earlier this year is 100% worth it. If you don’t want Cal at Kentucky don’t watch and long for the Gillispie days.

Pray for college basketball because we’re getting a swaggy version of Cal early on


PS: Pray for Brad: