
Check Out This Rec League Dodgeball Recruitment Business Card a Guy Used to Recruit a Stoolie to His Team

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I’m in a dodgeball league here in baltimore. After our game I was approached by a dude dressed in all black, like he was Jack Riley straight out of mighty ducks‘ hawks camp. He talked about how his team in another league is losing a few people and wants me to join, then hands me this recruitment invite and says to email him. This man was scouting talent for dodgeball. Total Hardo right? Has to be.



Is that the biggest compliment you’ll ever receive? For sure is. Nothing in this guy’s life will ever surpass being professionally scouted by Jack Reilly to play on another dodgeball team. Guy brought business cards and all. No, that doesn’t make him a hardo at all. It makes him a winner. Nobody plays dodgeball to have fun. You play. To win. The game. And if that means putting on your best suit and traveling near and far to get the best and brightest the game has offer, so be it. That’s part of the job. It’s not every day you can tell someone you were handpicked to play on the up and coming dodgeball dynasty in Baltimore. That’s like being picked by Calipari to be Kentucky’s point guard. Big things for the future of the Young Go Hards.

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