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How Impeachment Works (FYI Impeachment Is Just a Fancy Term For A President Being On Trial)

Nancy Pelosi Has Been Waiting For This Day For A LOOOONG Time
Pelosi Announces Formal Impeachment Inquiry

Would you just look at that grin!!  That is the grin of someone who is very very excited she is about to file a formal impeachment inquiry against President Trump, which basically means the House Democrats would investigate the possibility of a formal impeachment, aka an indictment against the President for a crime(s) he is believed to have committed.  Pelosi is essentially the lead prosecuting lawyer, and it is her job to lead the investigation into President Trump, then its her job to convince other members of the House of Representatives to see it her way and vote FOR impeachment, aka indict the President.  If a majority of House members vote for impeachment, the President is formally impeached/indicted.  Next, the Senate will serve as the jury, certain members of The House will serve as prosecutors, the President and his team of lawyers will be the defense, and the Chief Justice of The Supreme Court will oversee the proceedings/trial.  If at the end of the hearings/trial, two thirds of Senators find the President guilty/vote for impeachment……. SCIENCE BOOKS, GAY PEOPLE, AND GAY SCIENTISTS ARE IN BIG BIG TROUBLE………BECAUSE MIKE PENCE BECOMES OUR PRESIDENT, MIKE FUCKING PENCE!!!!  MIKE MOTHERFUCKING PENCE!!!  Thanks Nancy!!!!






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