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How Embarrassing Is It That Michigan Fans Are Begging Urban Meyer To Be Their Next Head Coach?

So obviously Jim Harbaugh's time at Michigan has proven to be perhaps the biggest bust in college football coaching history, and after this weekend's embarrassing performance at middle of the pack Wisconsin, Michigan fans have finally begun to turn on their Lord and Savior. The fact of the matter is that Jim Harbaugh is 1-9 against Top 10 opponents, 0-7 as an underdog, 1-6 on the road against ranked teams, and 0-4 against The Ohio State. Oh, and he's lost 3 of his last 5 games by 21+ points. There is no denying that there is time for a change in Ann Arbor, but the only question is who can turn this dumpster fire around?

Well, apparently Michigan fans have found their #1 target: Urban Meyer.

I honestly can't believe what I am seeing. Michigan fans all over the internet are begging Urban Meyer to commit treason and head to that state up north. If you can't beat em, beg them to join you!

First of all it is hilarious to me to see how far the once proud Michigan faithful have fallen. What ever happened to honor, pride, and integrity? They want URBAN MEYER to come help them?? The same guy that they've talked stuff about for each of the last 7 years while he was kicking their teeth in?


I would rather go 0-12 than call Bo Schembechler to come turn around our program. This would be beneath rock bottom for a program that is already there. The notion of calling upon the rival to win is laughable, and honestly, it's flat out disgusting! There is a 0.000% chance that Urban Meyer even thinks about betraying the great state of Ohio to go to a bottom tier Big 10 school. He refuses to wear blue or even say the word "Michigan" on TV. He has a restaurant with a 7-0 room in it. He uses his airtime each week to clown them. For these delusional Michigan fans to even entertain the thought of Urban Meyer coming there, it shows that the problem at Michigan is much bigger than just the football team. It shows that everyone in that state is just so stupid.

But I will say, I would be interested in hearing Dave Portnoy's take on this. He can act all big and mighty talking trash about the GOAT all he wants, saying how he's a liar and a cheater and a fraud, but when push comes to shove, is he really going to turn down an opportunity at THIS?


I think he'd roll over and let Urban pet his belly. Because let's be honest, Urban Meyer would go 11-1 minimum his 1st year at Michigan. Then he'd go 12-0 and win the National Championship in year 2. The talent is there. They just need a coach with a brain. So keep trying Michigan! Bend over and beg a little more. You can't embarrass yourselves anymore than you already have...