How About These Two Emerson Bro’s Just Casually Raising Over Half A Million Dollars For the Onefund?
Mashable – Within hours of last Monday’s Boston Marathon bombing, a pair of college students had already scraped together a plan to raise money for victims and their families. Nick Reynolds and Chris Dobens, from Emerson College in Boston, contacted Milwaukee-based design company Ink to the People on Monday night with hopes to design and distribute T-shirts that read “Boston Strong,” and donate all collected proceeds to One Fund Boston, a charity organized to help those most affected by the attack. Despite an initial goal of $1,500, the two raised more than $500,000 for the charity in seven days.
And here I was thinking I was cock of the walk because we’ve raised 160K so far for charity. Meanwhile these two Emerson bros are probably sitting in their dorm room right now playing Mario Kart just laughing at me. Like you think you’re a fucking mogul Prez? How about us raising $550,000 dollars without even having a website. Just throw some fucking Boston Strong shirts on the interwebs and off we go. Only sold 36 thousand of them. No biggie. I mean holy shit. Just when you think you got the internet figured out it comes back and kicks you in the teeth. I literally have no idea how these guys did this but it’s awesome. Do they get a key to the city or something? Do they get to hand a big puffy check to Menino or do only the Red Sox get to do that? 550,000 thousand dollars? That’s insanity.