
The Crease Dive's PLL Championship Preview Featuring League MVP Matt Rambo


You could have been born at any time in any place. But you are here and you are now. And because of that, you get to witness the first championship in PLL history. How lucky are you? George Washington didn’t get to witness this shit. Abraham Lincoln didn’t get to witness this shit. Jesus didn’t get to witness this shit. But you do. We all do. And it all goes down tomorrow at Talen Energy Stadium right outside of Philadelphia.

So to get us ready for the inaugural championship, we had PLL Attackman of the Year and MVP Matt Rambo on for this week’s episode. 10 regular season games, 19 goals, 23 assists, 42 points, and lead the Whipsnakes to landing a bye week straight to the championship. The PLL has roughly 98% of the best field lacrosse players in the world, and Matt Rambo was just named the first ever MVP of the league. Pretty decent accomplishment for a kid from Philly who now gets a chance to win the league’s first ever championship in his home city. Not bad at all.

We also talk about what we’re looking forward to seeing the most this weekend, discuss some more details about the Live Show tomorrow afternoon, and give our previews/predictions for the championship game.

Listen to The Crease Dive’s PLL Championship Preview here on iTunes:

Listen to The Crease Dive’s PLL Championship Preview here on Spotify:

PLL Championship // Philadelphia, PA

Whipsnakes vs Redwoods // Saturday, 2:3opm // NBC // Line: Whipsnakes -2.5, O/u 20.5

There are going to be matchups all over the field that will determine this game. Gurenlian vs Nardella at the faceoff X. Landis vs Rambo. Matt Dunn and Bryce Young trying to figure out a way to shutdown Ryder Garnsey and Jules Heningburg. Hell, Jules Heningburg vs the entire Whipsnakes organization. The first trade in PLL history was Jules Heningburg getting traded to the Redwoods for Alec Tulett (who isn’t even on the Whipsnakes anymore). So this is a revenge game for Jules and I guess we’ll see who the actual winner of the trade will be at 2:30 tomorrow. You’ve got Tim Troutner in net for the Redwoods and Kyle Bernlohr in cage for the Whipsnakes. The only goalie with a better GAA than Troutner right now is Bernlohr.


The goalies are even. The attack is even with a slight edge to Whipsnakes. The faceoffs are even. The Redwoods have an advantage at defense, but the Whipsnakes have the advantage at midfield. This game is as evenly matched as it gets. So to be perfectly honest, I have no idea where the -2.5 line is coming from. At the end of the day, I think the Whipsnakes have a few more weapons offensively than the Redwoods so that’s why I have them coming out on top in a 1 goal game.

Jordie’s Prediction: Whipsnakes moneyline, Redwoods +2.5, Over. 

Sidenote: If you’re going to be at the games tomorrow make sure to let us know where you’ll be tailgating. Also don’t forget about the Live Show between the two games. 1:45pm at the Premier Zone right outside of the stadium. First ever live show in Crease Dive history. Might be the most historic event of the day.


Now go out there and have yourselves a weekend. Only one more left after this.



