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John Boehner Rips Cigs, Drinks Wine, And Opens Up About His Best Memories While He Was Speaker of the House

This one was strange for me. Never in my wildest did I think I’d be sitting in the Speaker of the House’s home while hearing him tell his favorite stories from his years in Congress. But, it happened and it was fantastic. Of all the interviews I’ve done over the years, the Speaker might be the most natural storyteller I’ve ever been around. Portnoy is great. Big Cat is great. KFC is great. Put a microphone in front of Boehner and you dont know if he’s going to tell a story about golfing with Barack Obama during a crisis, cry about meeting the Pope, or call you an asshole for ordering spaghetti at a fancy restaurant.

While the Speaker is obviously a political guy, we didnt get too political. We talked about tales, busted balls, and went down memory lane. He doesnt talk about his time in the Navy much so it was cool to hear that side as well. Make sure you listen to the whole thing. It’s an all-timer.