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Donald Trump Owes This Man 1 Trillion Dollars

trump trillion

(source)–A Florida man was arrested on charges of vandalizing at least 20 parked cars by smashing their windows.

In a press release, the Okaloosa County Sheriff’s Office said after Justin James Wilson, 30, smashed the windows, he then passed out on a nearby bench on Monday.

Wilson used rocks and a belt buckle to cause the damage. After admitting to the criminal act when deputies arrested him, Wilson told them, “Take me to jail. I did it because Donald Trump owes me 1 trillion dollars and these vehicles belong to the mafia.”

I feel for this guy. Have you ever had to collect money from someone? It’s the worst. Doesn’t matter if it’s for a bachelor party, splitting up checks from the night before, WhiteSoxDave’s bar tab, or if you won money from your bookie. It’s never easy. And that’s is usually dealing in the hundreds, or at most, thoudsands of dollars. Now imagine you’re some homeless dude in Florida, but in your heart of hearts you know you should be living it up large. Private jets, ski chalets, 5 star restaurants, swanky urban apartments. All of that can and should be yours, but it’s not and it’s because the President of the United States owes you a trillion dollars. And how is he supposed to collect? He can exactly walk up and ring the doorbell at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. He can probably DM the President but there’s no chance Donald responds to those. There is no way for these two guys to get square. The President is ducking him. That’s fucked up. Pay your debts, Mr Trump. Anyone would snap in that scenario. This Florida Man pulled something out of the Florida Man playbook and just smashed up cars. He has to get people’s attention. He has to let people know he needs his trillion dollars. Cause a scene. It’s a reasonable course of action when you’re out of options. Why he decided to smash up cars of the mafia, I don’t know. That seemed like a misstep. Can’t have the President and the Mafia against you. Otherwise he played it perfectly. I hope someone asks Trump about this before the 2020 election because I don’t think we should elect someone who doesn’t pay his debts. That’s a big black mark on an otherwise flawless record.