
Am I The Only One Captivated By The Female Cop In This Iconic Image?


I’m sure everybody has seen this picture hundreds of times by now. It has become the most iconic photo from the tragedy. It has been published in every major newspaper in the world. It is the cover of the new Sports Illustrated issue. Yet it doesn’t matter how many times I see it I’m always blown away by the female cop. Yes I’ve always make fun of girl cops. I’ve always said they are the last person I’d want coming to rescue me. Well I think this woman single handily changed my perception on that. Gun drawn, already in a full sprint mode before it seems like most of the other guys have fully registered what happened. She makes this photo for me. Not a second of hesitation. Truly amazing. I have no idea who she is, but I’m sure in the coming days we’ll find out.  Her image is just ingrained in too many people’s minds for her story not to be told.  A hero who deserves recognition for sure.