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Jennifer Lopez Brought The Heat At Magic Johnson's 60th Birthday In St. Tropez


If anyone thought Magic Johnson was a fool for leaving the Lakers just so he could get back to tweeting, man are they wrong. Take one look at Magic’s timeline right now and you’ll see he is on this gigantic European vacation going places that to be honest I didn’t even know existed. It’s all for his birthday month and if you thought #DP40 was a big deal well then you my friend have not seen #EC60. You could argue this was the most exclusive and best party on the planet, with everyone from famous actors, to NBA legends, to the goddess herself Jennifer Lopez in attendance.

It appeared to be an all day celebration with some sort of pool party during the day and then a massive party at night which certainly looked like a decent time



That’s all fine and good, but without a doubt the best part of the festivities had to be JLo

ARod’s reaction during these videos gets me every time. What a bastard. I’d say JLo isn’t looking too bad for 50 years old if you ask me. They simply don’t make em better than JLo, she makes no sense. I won’t even try to comprehend how she is able to look better and better the more she ages but whatever, I am certainly not complaining.




First ballot HOF type stuff.

So let me ask you. Do you think Magic is regretting his decision to leave the Lakers and instead party his face off with some of the most beautiful people on the planet in St. Tropez?