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24-Year Old Attractive Chick Is Going Viral ... For Having A Rocket Of A Mom That People Think Is Her Sister


 [Daily Mail] - Holly Barry, 24 and mum Jo, 44, get told they look like each other constantly – and love it. 

“I love it,’ says Holly. ‘It’s nice to see what I will most likely look like in 20 years time and she’s so beautiful, it’s a huge compliment. People always comment on how good she looks for her age and how nice it is to have a young mum, so I hope I age just as well.”

“I go clubbing with mum as often as I do with my friends,” said Holly.

There’s no way this is 100% true. I refuse to believe it. You’re an attractive 24-year old chick. You don’t want to go viral because your mom is being called a rocket and getting confused for being your sister. Sure, I get the point of seeing what you look like in 20 years. That’s always a nice thing knowing you’ll still likely be hot in your mid-40s. But girls are petty as hell. Even if it’s your mom, you want to be known as the rocket first.


But this is good news/bad news in 2019 thanks to social media. Yeah, you get to go viral. That’s the good news. If you see 24-year old chick going viral you’re assuming likely 1 of 2 things. 1 being something dumb or 2 she’s a smoke. This chick is attractive so that’s a good thing. Now the bad news is you’ll always be the girl with the hot mom. That’s a blow when you’re going viral. And you know how I know this chick isn’t 100% thrilled with this story, this quote

“We are both fiery characters and have short fuses. Patience doesn’t come naturally. We are both determined and passionate people. We have the same interest in the gym and both put our heart and soul into a good run together, which mum still beats me at stamina wise.”



So congrats for going viral, but sorry it’s the mom that’s the story here. You’re the 24-year old with the hot mom that looks 24.