
Nut-Shot Cornhole Is Now The Official Tailgate Game Of This Football Season

Sometimes the most genius ideas are also the most simple. I mean the cornhole craze has taken America by storm over the last 5-10 years. And everybody loves a good ol’ fashion nut shot. So how is it that it’s taken us this long for somebody to place their own beanbag under the hole and give us the most high-stakes version of the game as possible? It’s genius, Lloyd. Sheer genius.

And the best part about it? The game takes some legitimate skill to play. You need accuracy. You need velocity. Your airmail game needs to be impeccable. If you’re sliding up the board and into the hole, it’s not really going to be that devastating of a shot. But if you get some arc under that bad boy and you’re playing with some hefty bags?  Goodnight Jim Kyte. You have the opportunity to not only end the game but end a bloodline in the process.

*Barstool Jordie is not responsible for anybody who loses a testicle or two due to playing nut-shot cornhole*.
