
Its Finally Here, Football Season Baby

Oh it feels good to not have to type out some baseball picks (even though I went 4-0 last night) it just feels great to be able to watch some real football tonight. Like Dave and Dan have said we are officially 0-0. You forget about the thousands of dollars you lost on rat shit and go into this season with a new mindset. This first game of the season sets the tone for your gambling season. I hate to say it but it really does so make sure you #ridewithmush. I am up a grand so I obviously am putting more money than I should on this game.


Miami vs Florida -7

I love saying the name Felipe Franks because its insane he hasn’t started his own hot dog company. Besides that he is an average quarterback that just needs to not turn over the ball. Let the defense that is spectacular and do their job. Its almost like when Peyton Manning was on the Broncos, he had to do the bare minimum because his defense was so good. With saying that Franks is a vet now and going up against a freshman that has a lot to prove after beating out Tate Martell. I am a little scared after this video.

But fuck it, its a big stage to start your career and the Gators have this one in the bag. Go Gators.

Pick Florida -7
