
Matthew McConaughey Is Already The Coolest Owner In Sports


Boom! Matthew McConaughey is officially a part-owner of Austin FC, the future greatest team in Major League Soccer.

Only one thing to say…

There is not another owner or part-owner in sports around the world who is as awesome as our guy Matthew. Justin Timberlake? Wrong. Jon Bon Jovi? Nope. Will Ferrell? Negative. The Williams Sisters? Try again. Elton John? False. Will Smith? I’m not even sure if he is a part-owner of the Sixers anymore.

This is perfect. What a figure to have representing Austin’s first major professional sports team. The only thing more Austin than Matthew McConaughey is late 20’s and early 30-year-olds pretending they never liked Dirty Sixth Street.

Here’s the official information on the announcement from this morning:

AUSTIN, TEXAS—Two Oak Ventures, the parent company that owns the rights to operate Austin FC of Major League Soccer, today announced an expansion of its ownership group, including Austinites Eddie Margain, Matthew McConaughey, Marius Haas and Bryan Sheffield. “It is my privilege to welcome my new partners to Austin FC,” Anthony Precourt, majority partner and CEO of Austin FC and Two Oak Ventures, said. “This group knows and loves the city of Austin and the beautiful game. I can’t think of anyone better to help us realize our ambitions as a soccer club for this entire community.” (via Austin FC)

In honor of the news, I figured I’d list my Top 5 Matthew McConaughey Performances…

5. His Oscars Acceptance Speech

This is cheating, but I fucking love this speech…

And to my hero. That’s who I chase. When I was 15 years old I had a very important person in my life come and ask me ‘Who’s your hero?’ I said, ‘I thought about it and it’s me in ten years. So I turned 25 ten years later and that same person comes to me and goes, ‘Are you a hero?’ I said, ‘Not even close!’ She said why and I said, ‘My hero is me at 35.’ You see, every day, and every week, and every month, and every year of my life, my hero is always ten years away. I’m never going to be my hero. I’m not going to obtain that and that’s fine with me because it keeps me with somebody to keep on chasing.

So to any of us, whatever those things are and whatever it is we look up to, whatever it is we look forward to and whoever it is we’re chasing, to that I say Amen. To that I say alright, alright, alright. And just keep living, huh? Thank you.

I know some people can’t stand the Oscars and some of the self-indulgence, but this is such an honest, n0-bullshit speech from McConaughey.

(NOTE: He won for ‘Dallas Buyers Club’ and I need to just say it was an unreal performance and I will lump it in here)

4. ‘Magic Mike’ – Dallas

I will accept no ‘Magic Mike’ slander on the timeline. Don’t just call it a male stripper movie, it is easily one of the most underrated movies of the decade. McConaughey’s performance is so out there and over-the-top, but he also reigned it in to make a perfect, believable character. Don’t forget that this is also a Steven Soderbergh movie, the genius who offered up ‘Ocean’s Eleven’.

3. ‘The Wolf of Wall Street’ – Mark Hanna


There’s really nothing that needs to be said here. This is such a classic moment not just in the movie, but in McConaughey’s career. He shows off his charisma and charm and does it with a really catchy whistle and tune.

2. ‘True Detective’ – Rustin “Rust” Chohle

‘True Detective’ season one was peak television. It’s up there with the best of the best from HBO. The moment above, the incredible one-shot scene is one of the greatest things in television history. McConaughey is a big reason why ‘True Detective’ became a cultural phenomenon and it is one of those roles that would’ve been surprising to see him do back in his early days of stardom.

1. ‘Dazed and Confused’ – David Wooderson

Iconic. It doesn’t get more Austin or more McConaughey than ‘Dazed and Confused’. This is one of the roles I think of when someone brings up Matthew McConaughey.

I couldn’t be more pumped for this.

Some of you may be confused by my Cleveland fandom. My dad is from there and cursed me with the Browns, Cavs, and Indians, but I grew up (mostly) in Austin and went to high school there (Baker Mayfield and Garrett Gilbert actually went to my high school’s rival, a little fun fact for you). So, it’s great to have a hometown team.

The stadium is also going to be incredible…






Food trucks? I mean, come on, how great is that?

Go Austin FC and alright, alright, alright!