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Wake Up With John Mayer and BB King Jamming TF Out

Every 2-3 months I watch this whole set on YouTube.  Two of the GOATs going at it on a guitar.  Just so melodic and therapeutic to me for some reason.  And John Mayer happens to be in Chicago starting tomorrow, so this fits a little bit.  You can tell JM has nothing but the utmost respect of King in this video just by the look in his eyes when he says fuck it, puts his guitar down and just lets BB do his thing:

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You can tell he just has so much appreciation for playing with one of his idols before he passed away, in spite of him being one of the most famous guitarists on the planet as we speak.  That’d be like me sitting down in a bar and talking pitching with Roger Clemens or hitting with Frank Thomas or something, except I obviously have zero athletic talent to speak of.


If anyone’s heading to the UC for John Mayer tomorrow let me know, stadium beefs on me.