
Was Focusing On Instagram Models More Than His Playbook The Reason Tathan Martell Won't Be Miami's Starting QB Week 1?

This is shocking news out of South Beach. Everything heading into this season suggested Tathan Martell, transfer from Ohio State, would be Miami's starting QB.

Turns out that isn't the case. Jarren Williams wasn't even listed in most sportsbooks for Miami's starting QB heading into the season. It was Tathan vs. N'Kosi Perry. This begs the question, what happened? Was Tathan Martell more focused on Instagram Models than his playbook?!

That very well may be the case. Imagine how much tape he could've watched while doing this photoshoot?!

We'll have to see if Tathan will get his chance this season. I'd assume he will. Jarren Williams will start in 12 days against Florida. Should be interesting to say the least.

P.s. Hate to see stuff like this:

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