
End Of An Era: Stu Feiner No Longer Legally Allowed To Yell "Eat Ass, Lick Clit, Fuck" Before 9:00 AM

Zah sent this to me this morning and I damn near threw myself out the window. No more, “EAT ASS, LICK CLIT, FUCK, I WILL KILL YOUR BOOKMAKER” early morning wake ups from Stu. What is the world coming to? Is this really where we’re at as a society? That we can’t let a man scream about fornication, fucking, and the metaphorical murder of illegal bookmakers mere feet away from a world renowned golf course in the wee hours of the morning? Doesn’t the town have anything else to focus on? I call bullshit. File this one under ‘things you hate to see.’ There’s only one way to forget about this nightmare…

I stand with Stu. Ready to roll. Ready to roll. READY to roll.