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MUST WATCH: 65-Year-Old Lady Fights Cop And Gets Tased TWICE Over Her Broken Tail Light

(LINK) –> CASHION, Okla.  <– (SOURCE) — A 65-year-old woman has been charged after body camera video shows her interaction with a police officer when she refused to sign a ticket that would cost her $80.

When the officer asked her to step out of her vehicle, she refused and drove off, leading the officer on a brief pursuit.

Hamil eventually pulled over in a parking lot. The officer then pulled Hamil out of her truck, and she was caught on camera kicking him and resisting arrest.

The Kingfisher County District Attorney’s office has accepted charges against Hamil for one felony assault on a police officer and one misdemeanor for resisting arrest.

Some wild shit here but first let’s get the bluebook citations out of the way:


Cashion, Oklahoma

Place we got the story from. 

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Listen I’m all about standing up for yourself and knowing your rights, but if you’re going to play hardball on a broken tail light with a cop then you’re just a goddamn moron and I’ve got the criminal charges to prove it.

The entitlement necessary behind all this really is something to behold. I mean for a second there I had to remind myself this is an adult woman with an adult brain when she locked herself inside the car. What a head scratcher for the cop too, right? I can’t imagine they’re deep on geriatric resistance training much less toddler level negotiating. WHY DONCHA MAKE ME.



Okay but you might get tased.

Possibly even twice and that’s a bananaland trade off for a busted tail light.

Here’s the thing though and probably the best part is that you know these charges are getting dropped. You know the second she said “Well I’m just a Country Girl” after getting cuffed, the cop knew there’s no way a jury convicts her. Not in Cashion Oklahoma and not with that apology captured on the body cam footage. I imagine that to be like the ultimate Truce in the wild west. Like yeah sorry I tried to kick you in the balls and make your job a living hell but Imma Country Gurl and that means getting a free pass on being a reckless son of a bitch.

PS – I’d like to acknowledge that it has to absolutely suck to the high heavens that even though this lady is clearly not a threat, you have to assume the very worst when she drives away. Like I know people are going to say Woah dude Put The Gun Down it’s just an old lady but I think that’s really unfair. Hardest job on the planet. I’ll hang up and listen.