
This Jomboy Breakdown Of Last Nights Reds vs. Pirates Brawl Is PERFECT

Nothing really to add here, other than this video breakdown by @Jomboy_ on Twitter is sheer perfection and he captures every possible storyline.  If you have 8 mins in the cube to kill, watch this video ASAP.  Multiple laugh out loud moments in the entire clip from Chris Archer getting trampled like Mufasa to David Eckstein trying to murder David Bell in cold blood.

It’s still hilarious to me that Puig was out there trying to decapitate people without having the slightest inkling he was sticking up for teammates that weren’t actually his anymore.  It made me think of the time Wilmer Flores thought he was traded by the Mets and was crying in the middle of the field with Terry Collins not having any clue he had to take him out yet but like…. the exact opposite.

This was an A+ baseball fight.  99x out of 100 they are just a bunch of fake hardasses trying to look tough and nothing actually happens but this was that 1%.  Great entertainment on a boring Tuesday evening.