
This Picture Of DK Metcalf Standing Next To Tyler Lockett Is Amazing

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Just a laugh out loud funny picture. I know Lockett is standing a few feet in front of him but still hilarious. Just a massive human being. DK Metcalf is single handedly making me excited for this fall after last year’s up and down season. I’m fully aboard the hype train.

DzJgLuwUYAAwI_yComing soon to an end zone near you.

*editors note*: This may come as a surprise to some people but despite growing up in New England, I’m not a Patriots fan. In fact, I’m a Seattle Seahawks fan. Fucking random, I know. Long story short, growing up I was pretty much just a hockey fan, grew up in a hockey rink, my brothers played hockey, I played hockey. My life at an early age revolved around hockey. Then in middle school we were asked to write a note to a professional athlete asking for an autograph. They gave us a list. No hockey players. I picked Matt Hasselbeck off the 2nd or 3rd page. Had no idea who he was or what team he played for. Sure as shit he responded to my letter and returned a signed football card. I still have it somewhere. So ever since then I have rooted for the Hawks. Pretty fucked up because the Patriots are a dynasty. My life would be so much easier if I just rooted for them. But nope, Matt Hasselbeck turned into my favorite QB. My dad is a MASSIVE Patriots fan and still to this day laughs in my face whenever we watch football together. Super Bowl 49 was brutal. So I’m gonna do a few Seahawks blogs here and there while we’re in the dog days of summer. Not gonna pretend like I know everything about football, just a couple of viral clips and funny stuff here and there. Thanks for reading while I try and expand my blogging portfolio here at Barstool SPORTS.


This was my office before I moved into a 600 square foot shack in Manhattan.