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Klay Thompson Stays Winning At Life

God damn does Klay Thompson have this whole life thing figured out. I don’t know much, but I know that whatever vacation Klay is about to embark on is probably the best vacation anyone could possibly have. You may remember about a month ago we got this news


so you could say Klay might have a few things to celebrate. While the private plane is nice and all, there’s one major takeaway I have from this video. Does everyone see how Klay is moving? We knew this man was an absolute monster when he tried to play an NBA Finals game with a torn ACL, well now I think we have to ask the question if this he heals faster than Wolverine. Klay Thompson had ACL surgery on July 2nd, that’s a mere 25 days ago and you can’t even tell! He’s moving around as if nothing ever happened, and I know some Warriors fans were hopeful that maybe he’d return in like March/April, but maybe this is why Vegas had GS at 47 wins? They knew that a measly torn ACL and corresponding surgery would basically be the equivalent of a sprained knee.

I don’t claim to be a doctor, I get that everyone’s ACL recovery can be a little bit different and maybe this is pretty common with that type of injury/surgery, but you’re kidding yourself if you weren’t surprised by how he was moving in that short video. Now he’s probably high as balls at 30,000 feet and on his way to enjoy a vacation you and I can only dream of.

Oh, and as is the law any time you blog Klay, this is your constant reminder of who he’s probably going on vacation with



Klay Thompson man, the guy just stays winning.