
Is This Nick Foles To The Rams Talk Serious?

nf – The Eagles apparent indecision on what to do with quarterback Nick Foles has intrigued teams around the league, and possible suitors are beginning to emerge. According to a person familiar with the situation, but who requested anonymity, the St. Louis Rams have interest in Foles should the Eagles decide to trade him this offseason. Foles’ possible availability was a topic of conversation among coaches and scouts last week at the Senior Bowl, with the Tennessee Titans and Houston Texans also mentioned as teams that would have interest if Foles hit the market.

AGHHHHHHHHH. I don’t think I can take an entire off season of this happy crap.

Why? Last time I checked St. Louis had a firecracker by the name of Shaun Hill running the show. But seriously, the Rams are that checked out on Sam Bradford? I mean he’s not anything special, especially since he was drafted #1, given a rookie contract no less than a trillion dollars and could get critically injured by a bubble. But Foles isn’t exactly a sure bet, either. In my opinion, all of this is pure speculation. However, if the Eagles are seriously shopping around Foles, Chip Kelly better have one hell of a plan hidden in his titanium sack.

Obviously if Footlong Foles is dished off then that means the Eagles are all-in on grabbing Marriota (or Sanchez?). The Rams currently hold the #10 pick. I envision the trade would involve Foles with the 2015 1st round, 2016 1nd round package-type scenario for them to move up. But why wouldn’t they wait to see if Mariotta is projected to fall that far? I definitely don’t want to see a situation where we need to give up a kidney to move up to #10 then all of the other organs to go to #5. Also, I don’t trust a rookie to come in and lead to a Super Bowl. Not that I’m all-in on Foles, either, but Russel Wilson’s and Tom Brady’s who win it all in their second year don’t grow on trees. So there’s really no point in making any sort of move right now. Basically, all this smoke is blowing so far up my ass I’m about to burp up a Hindenberg.

Let’s settle down, people.