
Anthony Rizzo Says The Cubs Are Going To Win The NL Central This Year

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Now before everyone jumps down Rizzo’s throat, let me just ask you this, what is he supposed to say? That the Cubs stink and are perennial losers? Because I for one love this confidence. I know that realistically speaking the Cubs will not be in the playoffs this season. I’m not a delusional fanboy (not all the time at least). And I’m sure stat heads will call Rizzo ridiculous and say confidence isn’t a quantifiable statistic. But this is all about changing the culture. About raising the expectations. I don’t want to hear players say things like “we’ll be exciting to watch” or “we have a lot of good young guys”, I want this, exactly this. We’re going to win the Division in 2015. Only way this stuff turns around is for guys like Rizzo to get out in front of a microphone and start exuding some confidence. You don’t even have to have played a sport to know that confidence is so incredibly important. And that’s why I love this. Believe it, then achieve it. I think RGIII once said that.