
The Incredibly Creepy Twitter Catfish of the Week

Meet Bray Burley, the All American 18-year-old hottie taking Twitter and, more specifically, the hearts of thousands of young girls by storm.

Upon first glance, it might seem as if he has the haircut, face, and name of a University of Alabama walk-on quarterback from an upper-class neighborhood in suburban Nashville who quit after his freshman year and transferred to UT to join Alpha Tau Omega and sell coke to high school juniors from Knox County until he eventually graduated in five-and-a-half years and got a job at his father’s hedge fund firm, but he’s actually so much more than that. Well, at least that’s according to his obsessive female fans who proudly refer to themselves as “Braybies” and “Burberries” interchangeably, depending on the season.

Selflessly going out of his way to offer completely original relationship advice and heartfelt words of wisdom to struggling and heartbroken young women, the boldly biblical Bray Burley has accrued an impressively large social media following from his wildly popular and undeniably unique written tweets alone.

But he’s way more than just a self-help manual…

He’s an optimistically avid ab-rolling adolescent athlete with lofty goals and high standards…

And an unapologetic coffee fanatic who won’t even entertain a conversation until after his morning cup of joe…

And a lesbian fashion icon…

With a contagious smile that could light up a whole Pac Sun fitting room.

But ultimately, no matter how hot or wise or goofy or compassionate he is, he’s just a human — like you and me — who needs a friend when he’s down…

And a blanket when he’s cold…

And no matter how you shake it, his Braybies and Burberries are loyal to him. And they love to flirt…

And, when he’s feeling feisty, he loves to flirt back.

And although his last Instagram account suspiciously got suspended, the hard-bodied heartthrob is wholeheartedly back on the app, and critics are giving his new collection of photos 5 out of 5 flame emojis.

Seems like, at the absolute worst, he might actually just be a gigantic but innocent teen douchebag, right?


He’s actually worse than that. Much worse. In an unsettling twist of events, Bray Burley doesn’t even fucking exist. Which might sound like a relief, but the reality is something that would make Jerry Sandusky’s nonexistent spine shiver, and Jared Fogle’s Italian-herbed stomach turn.

I performed a simple reverse image search of Mr. Burley’s Twitter avatar and the results were ominous…

The profile picture of the boy who cried “you’re beautiful” and “hey boo” actually belongs to a completely different but absolutely real douchebag named Harry Raftus. While that name might sound equally fictional as Bray Burley, Harry Raftus is, in fact, an actual 18-year-old social media star.

So that means that, well, somewhere there’s a person, or thing, impersonating a teen boy online and aggressively preying on young girls. Splendid. I’ve already written about someone else who does this but for some reason, this one is even more disturbing to me. The absolute best case scenario is that peoples’ daughters are unknowingly flirting with some creepy Twitter incel. Which is frightening in itself, but if he’s publicly flirting back with them on his timeline, you have to imagine his DMs are especially heinous.

But I guess we need to remember that, in the end, we all have our imperfections. And “Bray Burley” is no different.

At least he owns up to his flaws and isn’t trying to be someone he’s not.

Here’s his profile  if you wan to follow him report him as spam and get him off the internet.