
Japanese Companies Advertising On The Thighs Of Chicks Dressed Like School Girls

NY PostSurrounded by flashing lights and giant billboards it is easy to understand why consumers in Tokyo have tuned out ads, but one ad agency is selling ad space in an area men will always pay attention to — women’s thighs. “It’s an absolutely perfect place to put an advertisement as it’s what guys are eager to look at and girls are OK to expose,” Hidenori Atsumi, the CEO of advertising agency WIT, told the Guardian. In order to be a walking billboard participants must be 18-years-old and have at least 20 friends on social media networks. While there isn’t a strict dress code, WIT suggests that participants wear short skirts and high socks in order to highlight the ad. So far more than 3,000 women have signed up to sell their skin.

Hey whats the goal of advertising? Get the most eyeballs possible, right? There is no place that gets more Japanese male eyeballs than up the skirt of an Asian school girl. That is like the Super Bowl advertising slot of Japan. Should cost like 2 million dollars to have a sticker on one of those girls’ thighs. I’m surprised Coke and Pepsi and Go Daddy hasn’t started upskirt advertising over in Tokyo.

And I ain’t mad at ya, Japan. As a guy who often tries to convince advertisers to not worry about how we get the people’s attention, just focus on the fact that they we do, I am all for this shit. I’d tell you to push the envelope even further and advertise right on their pussy if need be, but your flyer would just end up all pixelated and nobody could read it.

And thus concludes my daily blog about Japanese creepiness and pixelated genitals.