
Kash Daniel (aka Kentucky Tim Riggins) Dressed Like Jon Snow And Cut A WWE Promo At SEC Media Days Because He's A Bad Motherfucker

[KSR] - “He’s just a bad you know what. There’s a lot of symbolism behind it, but just overall he’s a really cool dude and I like Game of Thrones,” Kash said. “Plus I almost got the hair down, so put two and two together.”

“They’re the baddest of the houses. Jon Snow had a 1% chance of beating the White Walkers, but he did”

Come on, Kash. You want to say motherfucker. Just say it. Deal with the suicide runs. Deal with the runs of the bleachers and yelling from Mark Stoops. I’ll run 1 time for you. Would have been another all-time quote from the best interview guy in the game. Seriously, look at this run Kash has had:


You know what? I’m starting to like Jon Snow now. If Kash Daniel calls him a bad motherfucker, then Jon Snow is a bad motherfucker. Who cares if he was pretty much everyone’s complaint for most of the last season?

Everyone thought Kentucky had a 1% chance of winning 10 games last year. Everyone thinks there’s a 1% chance of Kentucky winning 10 games this year. Stupid ass ESPN projects 5-7.

Low key hilarious they give Kentucky a 25% chance to beat South Carolina – a team they’ve beaten 5 years in a row. But, this is what I needed to see as a Kentucky fan. Last year it was people doubting how good Benny Snell was and he tore up the country to start the season. Now they pissed off Kash and Lynn Bowden.

Time to get ready according to Kash

PS: If Vince McMahon was smart he’d get him on the line right now:
