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Diddy Announced That He Is Bringing Back "Making The Band"


I know blogging about MTV rebooting shows that my generation loved growing up and getting hyped about it is kind of my beat around these parts before not watching one minute of said rebooted show. But Making The Band wasn’t just an MTV show. It was a cultural revolution responsible for some of the most ridiculous moments in the channel’s history this side of The Challenge.

Like the time Diddy just sent a bunch of randoms out to walk to Junior’s to buy him cheesecake because they pissed him off.

Or the time Fred and Ness disrespected Diddy’s studio by fighting in it.

And Farnsworth. Pretty much everything about Farnsworth was unbelievable looking back now.

I know Barstool seems like a crazy place to work. And it is. But we still haven’t hit the Making The Band level of craziness yet. Dave has never gotten so mad at us that he made us walk miles to Panera to get him a baguette. Any fights in the radio studio are just of the verbal variety. And while Dave’s personal assistant is always a fresh-faced boy that hasn’t been beaten down by the weight of the world, it still isn’t as weird as having a sassy dude in pastels holding an umbrella. Actually now that I think about it, Dave definitely may have made some poor intern in the Milton office walk miles to some part of Boston as a punishment for some of the stupid, outrageous shit that happened there back in the day.

Nonetheless, the legacy of Making The Band is so strong that even the Chappelle’s Show parody of it is a legend in its own right. If you simply say the word “Dylan” to someone five times, they will spit that name back at you with hot fire thanks to this classic.

For anyone thinking that this version of Making The Band won’t be ridiculous, go watch that video of Diddy trying to tease the reveal of the show returning as if people with eyes and the ability to read the caption of the tweet didn’t already give away the climax. Add that type of awareness with people from all over the planet being told to do shit like walk miles for a piece of cheesecake and we have the potential for #content gold.

P.S. #NeverForget the time the actual Dylan and Chappelle met up a few years ago: