
Kid Who Ran On The Field At The All Star Game Arraigned And Released

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NY Post – Dad obviously doesn’t follow his son’s tweets. The All-Star airhead who stormed Citi Field on a Twitter dare was at the Mid-Summer Classic with his father, who had no idea about the stunt until he looked up and saw his son — whom he’d sent to the concession stands — trying to run the bases. What he didn’t know was that Dylan McCue-Masone, 18, had told followers that he would run on the field during Tuesday night’s All-Star game if he got 1,000 retweets. “I gave him $20 to get some food,” said the lunk-head’s father, Bob, a supermarket manager. “Ten minutes later, I saw him running across the field. Then I said to my brother, ‘That’s Dylan.’ Then I thought, ‘My wife is going to kill me.’ ”  Indeed, the teen’s mom, Chris, who had been tipped off to the tweets, texted her son, warning him not to do it. “At first, I thought it was funny that he’d be doing this, then I texted him and told him not to do it because he could get arrested,” said the worried mother, who tuned into the game at the family’s Long Island home. “I was at home watching the game when they announced a fan on the field, and then I panicked.” Fox-TV, which broadcast the game, did not show McCue-Masone’s stunt. McCue-Masone was arraigned yesterday in Queens Criminal Court and charged with interfering with a professional sporting event. He was released on his own recognizance, his annoyed mom by his side. McCue-Masone, who was wearing the same Robinson Cano Yankees T-shirt from the night before, declined to comment as he left the Queens courthouse with her. Among the followers who’d egged him on was his girlfriend, Haley Johnson, who kept the masses entertained while her social-media-stunt stooge stewed in the slammer. “Yeah, he’s crazy. What can I say?” Johnson tweeted yesterday. “Time is going so slow, I just want to see my animal of a boyfriend.” Before the prank, Johnson tweeted that she would marry McCue-Masone if he ran on the field. A couple of innings later, she tweeted, “ME AND HIM ARE OFFICIALLY OVER.” She insists she was just joking.

Whatever the sentence was for his kid, it was all totally worth it. Whats the punishment? A fake ass, unenforceable lifetime ban from Citi Field? Who wants to go there anyway these days? Kid is definitely laid for the first time with this new found fame. He’s the talk of the town. Probably got a zillion new followers. He was all over Barstool. He’s got an absolutely unbelievable story to tell for the rest of his life. You know how invaluable that is?

And the best part is, he’s probably not even in trouble at home. Because there is a 100% chance his dad is taking all the heat on this one. You take the kids out to a baseball game and one of them ends up in fucking jail and you are fucked. Your wife is gonna be so busy giving you shit 24 hours a day there’s no room for this kid to even be in trouble. Bottom line is until they make the punishment bad enough, running on the field and getting tackled is 100% worth all the attention you receive for it.