
Anthony Davis Found Out He Was Traded On Instagram Because He Was Watching A Movie And Didn't Want To Pick Up A Call From His Agent

First things first here. Anthony Davis uses Instagram for news? That’s what I’m taking away here. I mean, sure, I get not wanting to pick up the phone from your agent. You’re in the middle of a movie, you don’t feel like talking. Maybe get a text, sure. But, when he goes to find out news … he doesn’t hop on Twitter? That’s a bizarre move. I never think to go to Instagram to find out of the latest NBA trades. Woj ain’t posting on Instagram. Woj bombs are on Twitter.

Second, what movie was he watching? That’s important to me here. I need to know what sort of movie that Davis watches that makes him ignore calls from his agent which is very clearly a call that he’s being traded. Personally, I hope it’s something like Superbad or Forgetting Sarah Marshall. Probably Space Jam though.

All I know is I need NBA stars to be in weird places when they find out they are being traded

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Lesson here is always – just shoot a text. You have a better chance of talking to the person.