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Troublesome News For The Rest Of The NBA, But Joel Embiid Is Now Hot As Heck

Do….do you hear that noise?

Screen Shot 2019-07-11 at 6.55.11 AM

Screen Shot 2019-07-11 at 6.55.21 AM

Pretty certain that sound we all hear is Greenie crying his eyes out because he realizes the Sixers are about to run the NBA for the next 5-10 years now that Joel Embiid basically has a Hollywood superhero body. JoJo is looking absolutely shredded these days.

I know it feels like years ago at this point but it was only just a couple short months ago that people were ripping Embiid for not taking his diet and conditioning seriously. And in less time than it would take to go through a cycle of p90x, Embiid is already out here looking like Aquaman.

And this is precisely why everybody who was getting on Embiid about his diet in the first place is a certified imbecile. Because Joel Embiid isn’t a normal human being. He may not even be a human being at all. But it’s not like he’s some accountaint who was just demolishing some burgers on his lunch break before sitting on his ass at a desk for the rest of the day. He’s a 7′ freak of nature who 1) needs to crush a shit ton of calories to keep that engine running and 2) is a PROFESSIONAL GODDAMN ATHLETE.

These guys don’t gain weight like you and I. You eat 5 cheeseburgers tomorrow and it’ll take you until the next summer Olympics to work all of that off. Joel Embiid can eat 5 cheeseburgers this morning and his body will metabolize that shit before lunch. So now everybody who was clowning Embiid during the playoffs can look like a certified bitch, and the rest of the league can start to prepare themselves now for the Hot As Fuck Joel Embiid Show that is about to take place in 2019-20. Look shredded, feel shredded, play shredded. Cue the goddamn music.
