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A Devilishly Handsome Lex Luthor Now Works For Barstool

Hold on, wait a minute….

That’s not Lex Luthor, that’s not Jason Statham with down syndrome, that’s not Stone Cold’s egg headed son, that’s not Howie Mandel after a month long meth bender, and that’s not Large’s special needs mini-me, it’s actually me! It’s Eric Nathan aka Barstool Nate and boy, I love my new hair cut. I blogged a couple weeks ago about how I shaved the dome piece and so far, so good. Well…kinda.

Here’s the issue- the sides grow in much quicker and faster than the top. So after a few days, the Dr. Phil look begins growing in, and that’s an issue when you want to be a bald dome guy but the hair is growing around the edges. It makes me want to wear a hat to hide it, but the entire point of the new look is to not have to wear hats to hide the abortion growing on top. Quite a predicament.


I have crowd sourced some solutions, and the main one is to continue to shave my head on my own daily, or a few times a week. And that, to me, sounds so painful. I feel if I take out a razor and start trying to shave my head, I’ll butcher the hell out of it. Just bleeding everywhere. I could go electric as well, obviously, but I don’t know if that will do the job I need it to do. I’m going to test those waters shortly though.

All in all though, I quite enjoy the fresh look. Again, I can’t recommend it more if you’re hanging on to scraps like it’s a ’98 Carolla. And I guess the ladies like it too?

I mean back handed compliment aside “you were SO UGLY before that I’m glad you are slightly less ugly now”, I definitely feel more confident and hotter now. I might even buy nicer clothes, start lifting weights, and just change my entire brand. Be the svelte guy. It won’t happen, but I have at least thought about it.

And hey Joel, mind your business, don’t worry about it.



PS: So glad I wore that moderately expensive blazer last night. I don’t even want to think about how my day would have gone had I not. Sheesh.