
If St. Joe's Prep Loses To This Gaggle Of Squids From Pittsburgh They're Not Allowed Back To Philly

You know me. My public schooled upbringing has forced myself to have a chip on the ol’ shoulder when it comes to you private and prep school folk. Just because you people grew up with “happy families” and graduated with “prospects” makes some people think there is shit that doesn’t stink. But I will say this, that pump up video was softer than a queer Twinkee. Who tapes themselves doing curls in slow motion for something like this? Take ‘em behind the woodshed in Hershey, boys.

FYI There’s a viewing party at the new City Tap House Logan (18th Street between Arch and Cherry) at 6. Go Prep.

h/t Bern, whom I’ve spared the embarrassment of posting his email. Seriously bro, do less.