Woman Accepts $5,000 In Order To Let The Internet Choose Her Child's Name
Source — Natasha Hill couldn’t decide what to call the baby she is expecting in September. So when a baby-naming website offered $5,000 to an expectant mom who was willing to let the public vote on the best moniker, the 26-year-old jumped at the chance. “I just thought it was a really cool idea,” said Hill, an art teacher who works with young children. “I found it when I was online looking for baby names on different websites.” Hill, who lives in West Los Angeles, was one of 80 women who entered the contest, which was sponsored by a Texas based company called Belly Ballot. She told them she wanted to use the prize money to pay off credit card debts and put the rest away for her child’s college fund.
Well of all the bad ideas in all the land, this one may be the worst to date. Letting the internet choose your baby name? Do you know how the internet works, Natasha? This isn’t a kind society. The internet is filled with the dredges of society. Trolls and morons. That’s all the internet provides. Best case scenario is that your kid gets named something like “Bacon Catz Harlem Shake.” Those would be the morons. But you know what the more likely scenario is? The trolls hijack your little game. Yup, same guys who decided the new Mountain Dew should be called “Hitler Did Nothing Wrong” will be in control of your unborn fetus’ name. Good luck finding a cake company willing to write, “Happy Birthday, My Mom Is A Money Grubbing Cunt!”
And as far as your plans with the money go? I’m not sure what tuition is at ITT Tech but something tells me you’re grossly overestimating the value of 5,000 bucks.