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Good News For Texas, It's Now Legal To Brake Someone's Face With Brass Knuckles

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(WGN)–Beginning in September, you’ll be able to carry brass knuckles to defend yourself if you get into a sticky situation in the Lone Star State.

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott signed HB 446 into law on Saturday, after it carried unanimously in both the state House of Representatives and the state Senate.

The bill removes “knuckles” from a group of weapons banned in a previous law that made it illegal to possess, manufacture, transport or sell a list of things that range from improvised explosive devices to homemade guns.

According to Texas Penal Code, knuckles are defined as “any instrument that consists of finger rings or guards made of a hard substance and that is designed, made, or adapted for the purpose of inflicting serious bodily injury or death by striking a person with a fist enclosed in the knuckles.”

Rep. Joe Moody, a Democratic legislator from El Paso who sponsored the bill, told the Texas Standard that the bill was meant to protect people who wanted to protect themselves.

Don’t even think about messing with Texas, lest you want your jaw bone shattered into a million pieces by the now legal brass knuckles. This is the most Texas law of all time. Very on brand. There just aren’t enough ways to legally fuck people up. So take the most relaxed gun laws in the country and you know what…let’s open that bad boy up a little bit more. On what grounds?

“A young woman who has a keychain for self defense, certainly fits the statute of knuckles,” he said. ” And she was arrested for that.”

One woman was wrongfully arrested so you know what…MORE WEAPONS FOR EVERYONE! For self-defense of course. Feels like a law that is not really needed to me. Not because I am opposed, per se, to brass knuckles. I just imagine that anyone who pulls out brass knuckles in Texas before a fight would promptly get shot in the face because everyone down there owns a gun anyways and you don’t bring brass knuckles to a gun fight. Everyone knows that.