People Need To Relax With Calling ODB's Catch The Greatest In NFL History
I’ve never seen a play get so much praise for a losing team. Yes, Odell Beckham Jr. is a certified freak of nature. Put him up on that Stan Lee’s Superhumans show with those fuckers who are magnetized and sticking ice picks in their faces and he’d fit right in. Yes, I would’ve loved if the Eagles traded up to get him in the draft, like they apparently were trying to do. No, this isn’t the best catch the world has ever seen. Great grab, but let’s pump the breaks a little. I get we live in a world where instant gratification is king and conclusions are made very hastily. There’s no other reason to explain how smut bloggers find a woman to marry them or why Mark Sanchez gets a t-shirt after one start. If a run of the mill player like Jason Avant can haul in a similar looking catch, then you know it can be duplicated.
Again, phenomenal catch, but not the best. As much as it hurts, the greatest grab in NFL history was David Tyree’s “The Catch”. No if’s, and’s or buts.