Mets Charged Yankees Family Members $250 A Ticket To Subway Series Games At Citi
Post- Prior to beating the Yankees on the Citi Field diamond last night, the Mets gauged their Bronx rivals at the ticket window. According to a person with knowledge of the situation, the Mets charged Yankees family members $250 for last night’s Subway Series game. The fact the Mets charged the Braves $80 per seat Friday, Saturday and Sunday angered the Yankees, who host the Mets tomorrow and Thursday night.
Did we just get Ponzi Schemed?? I tweeted about this last week when tickets that are normally $12 were going for $68 face value because the Yankees were in town. Total bush league move by the Mets in general, but to add insult to injury you charge the families more? After Mariano Rivera spent his pregame talking to your loser season ticket holders? All 18 of them! It’s just the biggest Mets move of all time. Hemorrhaging tens of millions of dollars a year taking out loans from the League to stay afloat and making up for it a couple hundred bucks at a time by charging Yankees family members triple the average price. Thats perfect Mets logic right there.
The only way to make things right here is to put one in Harvey’s ear tonight, and put an end to this flash in the pan. Is Clemens still a free agent?