
North Andover Girl Becomes First Female State Wrestling Champion – Danielle Coughlin, a senior, who became the first girl to win a Massachusetts state wrestling title on Wednesday, securing a 5-3 victory over Winchester’s Jordan Darby in the Division 2 106-pound final. “Honestly, it’s so overwhelming,” said Coughlin. “After I won, a guy in the stands actually turned to me and he said, ‘Smile, I have to send a picture to my daughter in Africa and tell her that in this country women can become anything.’ I actually started crying when he said that. Coughlin’s win not only made history for her, it also helped North Andover secure its fourth consecutive state title, besting Winchester by 9 points. Danielle, who was named a cocaptain this season by Cincotta, has 104 career wins. She is 29-6 this season, and prides herself on not having been pinned since sophomore year.

I tip my cap to this chick. Competed against the boys and whopped them fair and square. She has every right to cry because this is a real cool moment that is much bigger than just a normal state championship. The only thing I’ll say is what type of dude weighs 106 pounds? That’s borderline a girl to begin with but it still doesn’t take away from the accomplishment. And nobody wrestles in Massachusetts. Other than that though I got nothing snarky to say.