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Kesha Drinks Her Own Piss

LA Times – The PTC thinks Ke$ha has gone from bladder to worse. The pro-family advocacy group is upset about Tuesday’s planned airing of “Ke$ha: My Crazy Beautiful Life,” in which the pop star supposedly drinks her own urine. Parents Television Council President Tim Winter is urging viewers to contact elected representatives to protest. “If given the opportunity, I can’t imagine that parents would want to pay for a cable network that airs an episode of a pop star drinking her own urine, and that is why Congress needs to take seriously the idea of giving consumers the ability to choose and pay for only the cable networks they want,” Winter wrote in a statement. Conservatives have long pushed for such “a la carte” cable pricing, a concept that programmers — who collect subscriber fees whether viewers watch their networks or not — have vigorously opposed. Earlier this year, Ke$ha described the on-camera stunt — which she performed after a friend mentioned the supposed health benefits of drinking urine — as “pretty gross.” “I wouldn’t recommend it,” she told The Hollywood Reporter. Skeptics might smell a publicity stunt. A clip shows Ke$ha swirling a plastic bottle filled with a clear liquid that looks suspiciously like water, not bodily fluids.

Well go ahead and file this under least surprising news of the day. Kesha seems like the type that could get down with that whole Golden Fetish world. Like ordinarily I’d agree that theres a chance this is all a publicity stunt and that she didn’t really drink any, but not with Kesha. I think she probably does this shit for enjoyment. I bet she was the one eating Lance Armstrongs ass in that story from yesterday.  Just seems like the kinda chick that would be down with that and then wash it down with a nice glass of pee.