
Everybody Is Dyking Out Because Danica Patrick Won the Pole At the Indy 500


DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. Danica Patrick has made history before — as a woman and a racer, in Indianapolis and Japan. The spotlight is nothing new. But never has it been this bright before.Patrick won the Daytona 500 pole Sunday, becoming the first woman to secure the top spot for any race in NASCAR’s premier circuit. It’s by far the biggest achievement of her stock-car career. “I was brought up to be the fastest driver, not the fastest girl,” she said. “That was instilled in me from very young, from the beginning. Then I feel like thriving in those moments, where the pressure’s on, has also been a help for me. I also feel like I’ve been lucky in my career to be with good teams and have good people around me. I don’t think any of it would have been possible without that. “For those reasons, I’ve been lucky enough to make history, be the first woman to do many things. I really just hope that I don’t stop doing that. We have a lot more history to make. We are excited to do it.”

So this was the #1 story of the day yesterday. Danica Patrick won the pole for next week’s Indy 500 or some shit like that. Now she is ranting and raving about how she wasn’t brought up to be the fastest girl driver, but the fastest driver period. How she’s made a ton of history and she has a ton more history to made. Umm bitch what planet are you on? This was fucking practice. What the fuck history are you talking about? Has she even won a race yet? Seriously Danica Patrick has to be the most over hyped athlete of all time. She has literally accomplished nothing. She’s been racing for like 20 years and has sucked ass the entire time. The First Lady could do everything she’s done which is nothing. It just drives me nuts whenever people actually talk about her like she’s a real race car driver. No she’s not. She’s a fucking sideshow. If it weren’t for the fact she has a vagina and is a solid 6 she would have been out of racing a decade ago. So spare me all the history talk and wanting to be treated equal. If that was true the only pole you’d ever be sitting on would be straight cock.