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HBO's Response To Last Night's Thrones Coffee Cup Debacle Sucks

I didn’t even notice the cup in real time last night and I watched every single second of that (incredible) episode last night. It had to have been on the screen for .02 seconds, but still people lost their minds over the fact that there was apparently a Starbucks cup left on the table during the celebration scene.

Of all the things that people could collectively get worked up over, I never expected a coffee cup to move the needle the way it has. I mean #Starbucks was trending on Twitter on last night. For the record, I’m totally on board with Kevin on this. I couldn’t care less. Continuity issues happen all the time in movies and TV. Who cares? Oh, you mean that in a show where we’re ok with incest, flying dragons and an army of dead people who all died (again) simultaneously might have some things that are unbelievable happen – like somebody just forgot to move Emilia Clarke’s coffee between scenes – in it??


Let’s just hope somebody in craft services didn’t get canned over this a la Downton Abbey.

Sure, it’s funny that the cup was able to go undetected (and let’s be clear here, it was 1000% a mistake). But it’s nothing to get mad about like so many people did. HOWEVER, what I do have a problem with is HBO’s lame ass response to it.

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According to Variety, Thrones’ art director Hauke Richter said “things can get forgotten on set. [The coffee cup error has been] so blown out of proportion [because] it has not happened with ‘Thrones’ so far.”

Fine, that’s actually fair. It IS being wildly blown out of proportion. But run with that in the first place. Not some lame ass joke about Dany ordering a tea instead. And I’m not going to let Starbucks off the hook either, their original tweet stunk too.

But then they went and totally redeemed themselves.


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There was never any doubt in my mind that Game of Thrones would completely take over social media, but it’s reached crazy levels. I’ve never seen anything like it. It’s pretty rare that people who actually work on a show/movie/whatever have come out and address things that go viral on social media. But it’s now happened in back to back weeks with Thrones.

Last week: How dark everybody’s TVs were (and yes, they were dark). This week: a fucking coffee cup.

What a world.